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SEND Support

As an alternative provider, Contact Success acknowledge that some students may struggle within mainstream education. Whether it is unidentified Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND), behaviour that challenges systems or learners needing to be stimulated and educated in an outdoor, multisensory environment, Contact Success discuss and listen to the individual needs, providing a programme tailored to the individual.

Contact Success is aware of the national picture for SEND and recognises that the highest rate of suspensions among educational settings is for persistent disruptive behaviour and for those with SEN. The highest rate of permanent exclusions is among those with SEN but no EHCP. Offering a provision that allows learners to succeed and engage in an alternative setting has been proven to be a huge success, offering many advantages to supporting young people and their SEMH.

Contact Success knows that the reintegration back into school is a really important part of the success, and works closely with schools to make sure this is designed carefully to minimise a re-referral.

Contact Success supports a range of learners with or without identified SEN and those with EHCP’s (Education, Health and Care Plans). Due to the statutory requirements and commitment in supporting the learners SEN, Contact Success is delighted to be working with SEND Consultant Jessica Baker.

Jessica is a renowned and successful leader and consultant of Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) based in Devon and has been a PE Teacher for over 12 years. Her own values of education encompass the work of Contact Success and is also available for Parents / Carers to offer guidance and support. For more information of her services, please take a look at her website.